250 Vimy Air Cadets

Meet Our Leadership


Assistant Training Officer
CV Myers

CV Myers was an air cadet with 569 Col GN Henderson, where they invested their time in aviation, marksmanship, drill and effective speaking. In 2019, they were adult staff for Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor at CTC Argonaut. They have an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer – Mechanical diploma from NSCC and have worked at MFC Training as an apprentice AME. Currently, they work with the SpellRead program at Halifax Learning, and are pursuing a degree at MSVU with the intention of teaching high school students English – both locally and abroad. Their long list of spare interests include front-end web development, video games, and everything Dungeons & Dragons adjacent.
As Assistant Training Officer for the year, CV Myers is looking forward to getting to know everyone at 250 Vimy, and is excited to share their knowledge and help cadets achieve their goals. If you have any questions about the training year, or have an interest in Aircraft Maintenance, the Marksmanship program, the Biathlon program or the National Effective Speaking competition, or just need tips on English phonology – CV Myers might just have you covered.